Reinvent the ECG monitor
Anthropomorphic product design in health tech
calm technology, UX, UI, human-centered design, health tech, invisible tech
Frame - Explore - Imagine - Materialise
Our research uncovered that, similar to the industry standard blood pressure monitor, the ECG devices available on the market when we started this project triggered a lot of negative emotions due to poor design. Prescribed for heart conditions in people of all ages, a typical ECG monitor had wires and a walkman-like box attached to it. Readings were taken through uncomfortable sticky pads that stayed permanently fixed to the body. This made the monitor feel physically uncomfortable and stigmatising. People avoided wearing it day to day, which meant the readings and the data captured were unreliable and irrelevant.
When asked to describe the device, men and women aged between 23 and 75 used words like “bulky and stigmatising”, “it makes me feel like the Iron Man”, “frustrating because it doesn’t offer any feedback”, and “looks like a walkman”. It was obvious that a universal, non-invasive solution was needed; something that could be worn under a shirt or bra, that was completely unobtrusive and medically sound.
With strict medical and physical constraints in mind we designed QardioCore, a slim, comforting and responsive device that gives real time feedback and captures accurate information about a patient's overall heart condition and behaviour.

One of the smartest pieces of technology I came across at CES 2016.
Cult of Mac
The design is inspired by a line wrapping around your body. The two end points are not knotted on the front, instead they just touch each other, creating a feeling similar to a gentle hug. One end point is curved upwards and acts as a third reading point. This triangulation provides accurate, 360 degree heart analysis. The front element is flexible and thin and has a discrete light on the top, visible only for the wearer to confirm it is on. The form is a subtle continuous line, thin enough to be worn under a shirt or underwear. The straps come in different colours to match the colour of your shirt or top.
We used anthropomorphic design elements that take into account human behaviour and reflect human qualities to elevate the interaction between the patient and the product and create a flawless user experience.
In keeping with our other health tech products that merge empathetic product design with calm technology, the trace is accompanied by an app that provides accurate and detailed information about your health situation. Patients who are nervous or unsure about their condition can discretely check up on their readings just by looking at their phone. If for any reason they feel unwell, they can discretely flag this on the dedicated app and review the readings with their doctor at a later date.
Special Projects founders Clara and Adrian worked on QardioCore at their previous design studio, Vitamins in 2012.
We used anthropomorphic design elements that take into account human behaviour and reflect human qualities to elevate the interaction between the patient and the product and create a flawless user experience.
In keeping with our other health tech products that merge empathetic product design with calm technology, the trace is accompanied by an app that provides accurate and detailed information about your health situation. Patients who are nervous or unsure about their condition can discretely check up on their readings just by looking at their phone. If for any reason they feel unwell, they can discretely flag this on the dedicated app and review the readings with their doctor at a later date.
Special Projects founders Clara and Adrian worked on QardioCore at their previous design studio, Vitamins in 2012.